We had a wonderful service today. God moved in a special way. Bro. and Sis. Fontanez was with us and he preached a wonderful message on repentance. We had 7 people there for the first time. One couple that came is the result of us picking up their children for Sunday School for many months now. They both decided it was time to live for God and chose to make Victory Tabernacle their home church. There is more to the story, but that is the shortened version. :) Two other ladies that came today are family of a couple and their father that already attends our church. The other 3 people that came had heard of our church, and decided to stop by and check it out.
We have been praying for revival for a long time, and it seems it is finally coming to Santa Clarita. God is Faithful!! Keep our church in your prayers. We believe in this end time there will be a great revival in the land.
We have been praying for revival for a long time, and it seems it is finally coming to Santa Clarita. God is Faithful!! Keep our church in your prayers. We believe in this end time there will be a great revival in the land.